Image credit: acucucu / 123RF Stock
1. Twitter in the Classroom
- Consider adding Twitter to your classroom this new year. Twitter is a powerful tool for secondary students. It is a great way to conduct book talks, class discussions, review for exams, etc all through custom hashtags. Click here to read "60 Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom" by Ian Jukes.
2. Student Response Systems
- Response systems are a great way to get instant feedback from students. Try using response systems as an entrance ticket to class, exit ticket, whole class discussions, backchannel for when students need more information about a concept being taught, etc. Click here to learn about my three favorite student response systems.
3. Google Drive
- Using Google Drive in the classroom allows students to take notes, add comments to documents, build/view presentations, create spreadsheets, and all in real time via the web. My favorite part of Google Drive is that it is a step in taking your classroom to a paper-free environment. Check out this infographic on 12 Ways to Use Google Drive in the Classroom by Jeff Dunn.
4. Grading with Voice Comments
- Most students write or type their papers to turn in for teachers to hand grade. Why not try something new? Students can type their papers in Google and then share that document with their teacher. The teacher can then open the document using Kaizena, add voice comments to the document and then share that audio file back with students. The students original document is not altered in any way but now students can hear a teachers comments on areas that are excellent and areas that need work. Click here to read more about using Kaizena with Google Docs by Richard Byrne.
5. Infographics
- Wikipedia defines infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. Look above on #3 to see an example of an infographic. Click here to read ways to use infographics in the classroom.
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