Sunday, April 20, 2014

You're on Twitter? You're Not?

The reality of Twitter can be seen in this video clip..."
You're on Twitter? You're Not?"

To Tweet or Not to Tweet? Are you ready to jump on the bandwagon? Twitter is a powerful professional development tool. With mobile devices you have access to PD 24/7. The hardest part about Twitter is powering off. So how can Twitter help you? Why is it important for education? I believe these four concepts are the backbone for using Twitter as professional development tool or a PLN (Professional Learning Network).

  1. Professional development should increase knowledge 
    • Rebore (2012) described that the main purpose for a staff development program is to “increase the knowledge and skills of employees and thereby, increase the potential of the school district to attain its goals and objectives” (p. 112).
  2. Effective Professional Development
    • Research indicates that professional development is most effective when:  “it involves the participants in concrete tasks; is participant driven while rooted in inquiry and reflection; is collaborative, connected to and derived from teachers work; and includes ongoing support” (Cooper & Johnson, 2013).
  3. Try Online Teacher Professional Development (oTPD)
    • Online teacher professional development (oTPD) operates using Web 2.0 tools, like Twitter, which  have the potential to maximize principles due to flexibility and personalization for the educator.
  4. Collaborate Professionally
    • Using Twitter, users are able to collaborate professionally with other educators about interests personalized to them (Cooper & Johnson, 2013).
When I first started using Twitter the first step was to find others in the same area of education as myself. I was starting a new job and needed to increase my knowledge base concerning instructional technology. As I found other professionals with the same type job, I began to follow them, read their tweets, study the resources that were readily at my fingertips. Eventually, I ventured out and started sharing my own experiences and resources that I found valuable to education and my job. I even went one step further and started to collaborate professionally with those I followed on Twitter. Because of that I learned how to add a MailChimp RSS campaign to my blog so readers could subscribe and only be notified when I made a new post. Thank you David Kapuler, @dkapuler, for teaching me how to use MailChimp. Though David and I have never met in person, he was able to answer questions about set up when I struggled to understand. With Twitter one has the opportunity to connect with other professionals globally and collaborate on areas of study. 

Consider using Twitter. Create an account. Search for other professionals with the same interests as you. Read their bios. Follow them. Spend time reading resources they share. Start collecting tools that would benefit you as an educator. 
Follow Me: @kjohnsontech

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