Sunday, September 7, 2014

Blogs I LOVE

The new school year is here and with that comes the time when I look for innovative ideas. I'd like to think that I'm creative enough to envision ways to implement technology in the classroom. However, most of the time ideas start by reading ways other educators are using technology in the classroom. I love to read. I love to learn. So, I thought I would share my blog source staple. Here's a compiled list of blogs I'll be reading in 2014-15. Be sure to check them out.

Need Google or iPad resources? Take time to read "Shake Up Learning" blog. You do not want to miss this one.
One of my favorite new blogs is "Venspired" by Krissy Venosdale. This blog has great visuals and creative ideas for the classroom.

Want great technology ideas for the classroom? Then connect with Ozge Karaoglu's blog. You will find creative ways to implement technology with elementary students.

Try TechChef4u blog if you are looking to use mobile technology in the classroom. Great ideas. Great posts.

Another great blog is Free Technology for Teachers. This blog is one of the first to blog about new technologies available along with an application for education. There are also Google Tutorials here.

Talk about creative technology ideas, HookED on Innovation is an amazing blog to follow. Be sure to check out his new post, 21 Things 21st Century Teachers Should Do This Year.

The last three blogs are more professional but not to be ignored. They have different strengths and different approaches. Each offer powerful blog posts that you do not want to miss.

Edutopia has a section just for technology integration. Find topics like digital citizenship, blended learning, flipped classroom, mobile learning and much more.

Edudemic has sections for students and teachers. There are great teacher guides for Twitter, Flipped Classroom, etc. Edudemic also allows for teachers to submit posts. If you have a great idea click here to see how to submit a post.

Last but not least, my all-time favorite is EdTechTeacher. Want relevant posts about technology innovation in the classroom, then this blog is a great read. Be sure to check their app recommendations and tech tools sections.

Try Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, a resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators.

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